Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 2
JLPT level: N5
375 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 3
Meaning: ten thousand, 10,000
Kunyomi: よろず
Onyomi: マン, バン
Composition: 一
Radical: 一
Reading: いち
Meaning: one
Strokes: 1
一万円(いちまんえん) ten thousand yen
万年筆(まんねんひつ) fountain pen
万引きする(まんびきする) shoplift
万歳(ばんざい) banzai! (cheer)
万能(ばんのう) all-purpose
万事(ばんじ) everything
万 (マン) 10,000, ten thousand, myriad, everything, all, various
万一 (マンイチ) (unlikely event of) emergency, the worst(-case scenario), 10000 to 1, (if) by some chance, by some possibility, in the unlikely event that
億万 (オクマン) millions and millions
永万 (エイマン) Eiman era (1165.6.5-1166.8.27)
万 (バン) completely, absolutely, totally
万一 (マンイチ) (unlikely event of) emergency, the worst(-case scenario), 10000 to 1, (if) by some chance, by some possibility, in the unlikely event that
千万 (センバン) exceedingly, extremely, very many, indeed
奇怪千万 (キカイセンバン) very strange (mysterious, weird), bizarre, monstrous, outrageous
万 (まん) 10,000, ten thousand, myriad, everything, all, various
万年 (まんねん) ten thousand years, eternity, perennial, perpetual
八百万 (やおよろず) myriad, countless things
500万 (ごひゃくまん) 5,000,000, five million, many